Vibrant Chiropractic


Book online for a risk free, no
obligations first consultation.

Our Process


We provide a complimentary consultation and examination in order to give you the chance to see if chiropractic care can help you. We will take a thorough clinical history and examination following which we can confidently and honestly tell you if chiropractic care is the right approach for you or if we think that your case would be better managed elsewhere. We will be sure to refer you to the right people. There is absolutely no obligation to follow with the next step

Report of

Once we have reviewed all of the necessary information to make an accurate diagnosis, we will present our findings in a clear and concise manner to ensure you are well informed and know what to expect. We will explain to you how to benefit the most from chiropractic care and how long it will take to get better. We want to help and support you throughout your healing journey.

Care Plan

Based on our findings, your presentation and goals we will create an individualised care plan designed to get you feeling and functioning better. On top of the in office adjustments, we will provide you with impactful, rehabilitative exercises and stretches, plus give you ongoing advice on lifestyle factors such as stress reduction and ergonomics.

Feel Amazing!

We want to make sure that you are improving and sustaining a vibrant life. We take the time to reevaluate your condition after a period of treatment and ensure that you stay well. You don't have to live in pain or restrict yourself from living life to the fullest. Book online NOW for your complimentary first chiropractic session.


Meet Your Chiropractor

Dr Shanon is a highly skilled and respected Chiropractor with a decade of clinical experience in Chiropractic where she helped numerous patients achieve great, personal outcomes. Her expertise and unrivalled level of care are highly sought after.

She believes in natural approaches to care and in the remarkable power of the body to heal itself. Pursuing a career in chiropractic was an obvious choice for her.

‘I believe this is what I am meant to be doing in this world’ From Dr Shanon Chan

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See What People Think of Vibrant Chiropractic

Seda s
Seda s
Dr Shanon, this wonderful lady gave me a hope in my life that I didn’t have to live with pain forever. I’ll never forget when I met her as my treating chiropractor I said ‘I’m just used to the pain, life goes on’ she was in shock and genuinely sad that people actually think its ok to live with pain. From then on I knew that I was in the right hands… literally:) Dr, forever grateful for your compassion and perseverance to go above and beyond to make sure that I was healed!
Noor Alzoubi
Noor Alzoubi
I’ve been a patient of the great Doctor for just over 2 years now. I refuse to go to another chiropractor, she knows my back too well. Definitely recommend her.
Brooke Well
Brooke Well
Dr Shanon is both caring and professional. Easily the best chiropractor I’ve seen.
Ange Quintanilla
Ange Quintanilla
Thank you so much Shanon for helping my husband with his back and his sciatica you have been a god sent as there were days were he wasn’t even able to get out of bed at all and even though he was taking 6 - pain killers a day it did nothing for him. Since he has been seeing you he is now on 1 pain killer a day is able to go to work every day. He still pain but it’s manageable, thank you for your professionalism, honesty and for being so friendly and kind.
Cindy Nguyen
Cindy Nguyen
Seeing Dr Shannon has been such a great experience. She is genuinely passionate about helping her patients receive the best care possible. I’m very grateful to have an amazing chiropractor like her in our community. I highly recommend everyone to see Dr Shannon!
Deni Petancevski
Deni Petancevski
Dr Shanon is very professional and a thorough Chiropractor, who takes the time to explain her approach making you feel very comfortable. Highly recommend
Cheyenne Lay
Cheyenne Lay
Dr Shanon is an amazing chiropractor and human being. She is highly experienced and caring to all her patients. Highly recommend, 10/10!
dave logan
dave logan
Shanon is amazing, I presented to Shanon not being able to breathe and slouched over with a sore back after identifying the problem I walked out feeling extreme relief. I highly recommend her services.
I’ve been seeing Dr Shannon for many years and she always fixes my back when no other Dr could. Highly recommend her as she is very thorough and genuinely cares for her patients.
Kosai Mohamad
Kosai Mohamad
Amazing chiropractor, a lot of experience, and she really knew how to get to the pain.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Whats are the costs? Is Chiropractic covered by my private health insurance?
Chiropractic is covered by all private health insurance companies. We offer a complimentary initial session. If, after a detailed history and examination, we can help; You can make your next appointment where we can proceed to your paid personalised report of findings. The amount covered depends on the type of cover you have, please check with your private health insurance provider.
What Health Programs does Vibrant Chiropractic accept?
Vibrant Chiropractic accepts 5 different Health Programs. All of those are registered providers for the following programs (call us for more info):

• Private Health Insurance Benefits for Chiropractic
• CTP Compensation Claims (Motor Vehicle Accidents)
• DVA (Department of Veterans' Affairs)
• Enhanced Primary Care Program through Medicare bulk bill (EPC)
• Worker's Compensation Claims
What are the payment options?
We accept Visa, Mastercard and EFTPOS. We also accept on the spot claiming for most private health funds through Healthpoint.
What happens after my first visit? What is a Report of findings appointment?
If we believe we can help you get back to doing what you love the most without restriction, you may then proceed with a paid Report of Findings appointment with Dr. Shanon( Chiropractor). We will then explain carefully your condition in details during your report of findings appointment. This will give you an opportunity to understand how you can fix the cause of your problems instead of treating only the symptoms. Our priority is to offer you long lasting solution to your health.
I have never been to a chiropractor before, is chiropractic safe?
All forms of physical therapy involve risks. This is why we pride ourselves with a comprehensive intake process including clinical history and a detailed physical examination to minimise any risks and to ensure that we have the full picture of your health prior to starting any care with you. Everybody is different and requires different care technique. We will discuss which approach is best suitable for you. We will also keep you informed at every step along the way. To our highest standards, we want to ensure safety, efficiency and comfort of our patients.
What is that cracking noise? Will I get cracked?
This ‘pop’ noise is simply gas escaped in between the joints. It is not harmful and is often heard while moving or realigning the spine. It is similar to when you crack your fingers. Most importantly your spine will be adjusted! This means that if you do not like the cracking noise, Dr Shanon can use other chiropractic techniques that suit your preference so that your body can heal most effectively.
Does it hurt?
Any discomfort is usually temporary, lasting only seconds or minutes. Dr Shanon uses gentle techniques when required. The amount of force we use when we perform a chiropractic manipulation is minimal. Dr Shanon uses mainly precision and skills to move the joints. We are proud of our reputation for a safe, specific and gentle care that suit different age groups and demographics. This is the reason why our patients continue to refer their friends and family members to our clinic.
Do I need a referral from my GP to see a chiropractor?
Not at all. Chiropractors are primary health practitioners. You can see a chiropractor without a referral. Dr Shanon works closely with GPs. We keep your GP informed of your progression when necessary. If you are eligible, GPs may decide to provide you up to 5 EPC (enhanced primary care) visits which are covered by medicare.
How many adjustments will I need?
It completely depends on you, your health goals, the severity of your problems. It also depends on how healthy you want to be? Based on Dr Shanon’s findings from her history and examination process, she will begin you with a care plan specifically tailored to you.
Do you see pregnant women or children or old people?
Yes, Dr Shanon uses appropriate, gentle and safe techniques/ approaches to help pregnant women and children in need of chiropractic care. We also cater for geriatric population. We all have a spine and we need to keep it healthy.


We Want to Help!

Our friendly staff are dedicated to ensuring each patient gets the attention they deserve, knowing that one-size-fits-all approaches are rarely sufficient.

Contact Vibrant Chiropractic today for any of your chiropractic needs or questions - we look forward to helping you find answers!
0435 113 883















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